Comfort & Mercy

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Praise the Lamb!

After the cancer and experimental drug took away his mobility, my husband had many hours alone each day from the time his home health worker left at noon until my son and I arrived home in the evening from work and daycare. He could have chosen to watch mindless television shows to force his mind from his problems to the whiny people on daytime talk shows. He chose, however, to spend those hours every day with God.

He kept his Bible next to his recliner, along with a cassette player and tapes of his favorite music. He loved music; and oh, how wonderfully he could sing and harmonize, along with playing the piano. I know the loss of his opportunities to sing with people was one of the hardest things he had to give up. But he sang anyway…at home, by himself, and with me and our son. During those hours by himself, he would read God’s words and worship his Lord in music, either by listening to his favorite songs or by singing. One song, in particular, could be heard every day and night. It was, “Hallelujah, Praise the Lamb,” by The Talleys (as they were known back in 1990). That particular song resonated in his soul during those difficult days. He would play it over and over. I saw tears run down his face many times while he listened, raising his hands in praise to the God who had offered him mercy and salvation. The One who gave him the strength to face the reality of leaving his family as he began approaching his last days here on earth.

(It doesn’t matter how long ago the initial days of grief began. Remembering these hard times and trying to put myself in my husband’s place has brought tears to my eyes today because of the sorrow and grief we all faced back then. It has been 29 years, and his pain still overwhelms my emotions.)

Hallelujah, praise the Lamb!

If he could do it in the hardest days of his life, so can I while I tell you our story!

So, praise You, Lord!

What does it mean to praise God?

The word, “praise,” means “to express approbation (of) [yeah, I had to look up the meaning of approbation—the act of approving, approval, sanction, commendation]; to glorify, especially God, by homage to magnify, especially in song.” (per Webster)

To praise God means to glorify and magnify Him, especially in song.

“I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; as for me, I shall be glad in the Lord.” Psalm 104:33-34

“Praise the Lord in song, for He has done excellent things; let this be known throughout the earth.” Isaiah 12:5

When I am facing some very difficult days, I turn my Bible to the book of Psalms. There were some people, like David, who went through some depressing, life-changing events and wrote down their feelings. So, when I can’t find the words to express my sorrow, I read their words. They had some tough days! They talked about them, a lot! But, in the final five chapters of Psalms, each one begins with these words: “Praise the Lord!” Yes, with an exclamation point! Not just a mumble here and there. DO IT! PRAISE HIM!

After all those difficult, depressing, anxious, discouraging, fearful, and grievous days that the writers of Psalms endured, they told us in the end to “Praise the Lord!” Their examples of perseverance give us hope to hold on and to praise God.

Like my husband did. Every day. Every night. Unable to walk. Still able to lift his voice and hands in praise.

If you believe you don’t have a reason to give praise to God, here are the lyrics to “Hallelujah, Praise the Lamb.” You will read about redemption, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and love. May this help you find your reason to praise the Lamb!

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb Lyrics

From the moment man first disobeyed the Father

We were then held captive by our sin

The law of God demanded a sacrifice

Restoring to Himself His own again

So, the Lamb, His only Son was freely offered

Atonement for our sins forever made

The innocent and holy still God and God only

Would ransom and redeem us back again

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

My heart sings his Praise again

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

So, to the cross they carried him

With all our guilt and all our sin

The lamb of God was slain for our transgressions

And on the cross, those nail-pierced hands

Reached up to God and down to man

And just as if I'd never sinned He took me in his arms

Embracing me He willingly forgave

For mercy, grace, and love that knows no bounds

Though guilty and condemned I now am free

Forever I'm forgiven for Christ the Lord is risen

And risen with Him we shall one day be

Oh, Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

My heart sings his Praise again

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

My heart sings His Praise again

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

My heart sings his Praise again

Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

Praise the Lamb

