The season for giving has begun. Everywhere we look, there are opportunities to give to those who may not have many material possessions. We may find it difficult to know the priority for giving. Some places need our finances, and some places need our time and energy. Wouldn’t it be great to give to every need that is brought to our attention?

Perhaps, our finances are not enough for a certain need. Perhaps, we already have a fully committed schedule for the time frame of the need. Other times, we may have just run out of energy. It can be frustrating to not be able to help.

How can we discern what needs to meet? One person cannot meet every single need, even those that are close in the community.

The children of Israel had been told by Moses of God’s instructions to build a tabernacle (or tent of meeting) so God could dwell among His people. God’s plans were elaborate and precise because the earthly tabernacle was to be a copy of the heavenly tabernacle.

“Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel departed from Moses’ presence. And everyone whose heart stirred him and everyone whose spirit moved him came and brought the LORD’S contribution for the work of the tent of meeting and for all its service, and for the holy garments.” Exodus 35:20

“Every man, who had in his possession blue and purple and scarlet material and fine linen and goats’ hair and rams’ skins dyed red and porpoise skins, brought them”. Exodus 35:23

First, the Israelites’ hearts were stirred. Then, they brought the needed materials for the tabernacle that they had in their possession. God knew exactly what would be needed. He had provided all the wood, metals, and fabrics to the Israelites before they ever left Egypt.

The Holy Spirit will help us discern what needs we are to help meet. Second, we will have what is needed in our possession.

We can’t give what we don’t possess.

Two weeks ago, I did not possess energy. I had been having some angina attacks and blood-sugar issues. Each of these, on their own, causes fatigue. Both together made for a week of sitting around my home instead of accomplishing things on my to-do list, such as cleaning, laundry, or errands. I didn’t feel like I had much to give.

But what I had was time and words.

A friend asked me for advice. Another friend wanted a short coffee break. Prayers were needed.

So, I gave what I had in possession as the Holy Spirit stirred my heart and as God had given me.

Words and time. Advice. A sweet visit. Prayers. Journaling. This blog post.

I believe God had me right where He wanted me that week. He stirred my heart to spend time in prayer by the needs that were brought to my attention. He allowed me to listen to a couple of friends who just needed to talk. He gave me the words and the time; they were in my possession. All I had to do was offer them to Him to use as He needed.

In this season of giving, let’s all remember Who the greatest gift is. God gave His only Son, Jesus, to become Immanuel (“God with us”), born in the flesh to live a completely sinless life, so Jesus could pay our debt for our sin in order to be redeemed back to God.

“She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

God didn’t send me to save the entire world. He sent Jesus. God just wants me to be willing to share what He gives me that is in my possession by listening to His Spirit.

I pray each one of you has a very peaceful, worshipful, and merry Christmas season!