How many of us read the verses in Proverbs 31 about an “excellent wife” believing that we must complete all that is listed every moment of every day of our lifetime?

Oh, how I love hearing this preached on Mother’s Day when I live with “mom-guilt” all the time! (She wrote in her ever-present sarcasm.)

There is a wonderful Biblical teacher that I follow on Facebook who leads us through the books of the Bible in a wonderful group of ladies. This spring we read and studied the book of Proverbs ending, of course, in chapter 31. Guess what I learned? The Hebrew word for wisdom, hakma, is a feminine noun which is why wisdom is personified as a woman in the writings of the Bible.

I finally understand that these verses are not just for the “excellent wife,” but they are a compilation of all the wisdom taught in Proverbs. All people should strive to understand and gain wisdom. We should all seek to please the Lord because we love Him. Proverbs 31 is not our daily, wifely to-do list.

For instance: 1) she brings her food from afar, 2) she considers a field and buys it and plants a vineyard, 3) she looks for wool and flax, and 4) she grasps the spindle to make wool for hand-made clothing for her entire household.

I’m exhausted just reading that list!

I don’t know how to grasp the spindle on a spinning wheel, and in this heat right now, I don’t even want to walk close to wool even in the air conditioning. As for clothing my household in scarlet, I can guarantee that my husband would never go out in public wearing scarlet. Ever.

As I study these verses, I asked the Spirit to show me something new, the true meaning of this wife, and the application of the words. So, what did the Spirit teach me?

“She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight.”

I should be willing to work with delight at my job and at home. With delight! Being a martyr never helps anyone.

“She is like merchant ships; she brings her food from afar.”

I should be enterprising. I don’t need to travel far to get food; but if there is a good sale at the stores on the things my family needs, perhaps I need to stock up. If an opportunity opens where I could make more money, without compromising my beliefs or time for my family, perhaps I could consider it in order to provide for and help others.

“She girds herself with strength and makes her arms strong.”

I should be diligent in caring for myself, physically, mentally, and spiritually. For me, that means studying God’s Word, knowing His truth about Hi, myself, and others, exercising my body, and learning to rest my mind and soul by trusting the Lord.

“She senses that her gain is good; her lamp does not go out at night.”

I should remember that I am made in the image of God. I am His daughter. He has given me His Light. I should remember that my “worth is far above jewels” (verse 1).

“She extends her hand to the poor, and she stretches out her hand to the needy.”

I should be willing to share and give to those who are poor and needy as the Spirit shows me. Greed is not pretty. Sharing shows me that God will provide and, sometimes, through me.

“She is not afraid of the snow for her household.”

For those of you that know me, I am never afraid of the snow. I love it. But, sometimes, I can feel snowed in. So, I should be prepared for as much as is humanly possible. I should have some money budgeted for repairs or for an illness. I should also be praying regularly for my household, not waiting to have a relationship with the Lord just during catastrophes.

“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future.”

There have been many days in my life when the future was dismal. I was not smiling. But I should trust the Lord in those days, and every day, and not worry. He is always in control, and He never makes a mistake. He gives me strength. As I rely on Him, dignity will shine.

“She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

The Bible says I am to gain wisdom; then, I am to teach with kindness the many things that God has taught me. I should be a wise and loving counselor.

“She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.”

I should not be lazy. Procrastination is not pretty and is downright ugly when that deadline arrives.

“A woman who fears the Lord….”

Most of all, I should love, trust, obey the Lord, and be humble. This is my daily to-do list.