I survived that fearful first treatment. When I was finished, it seemed a little strange to feel normal again after the hour-long ordeal. (For a little information on my treatment, research “flow therapy.” )

However, the afternoon and evening brought some symptoms of my heart condition that I’ve had throughout the past 15 months. So, most of my time was spent resting in my recliner (that sounds so “old age” to me…lol…yet, here I am).

Yesterday, I was expecting the treatment to go just like the day before, but it didn’t. Several times, the pressure cuffs around my legs (which are inflated with each beat of my heart) did something different. The cuffs did a double beat, a skipped beat, deflated, then inflated again after 2 seconds. Ummm, what’s going on with my heart? Finally, a nurse came over, and I told her what had happened; the cuffs did the same things while she was standing there. (When does that ever happen when we are in a doctor’s office or a car repair place?) She asked if I had A-fib. Nope. It turns out that the leads on my chest connected to the computer were not working properly. Once she fixed them, all went well.

My treatment takes around 3 hours with the travel to and from the location. I have been quite fatigued upon arriving back home, so I rest for an hour or so. That is quite a chunk out of my day when I would normally be accomplishing the many things I need and want to do. So, priorities are rising up. I must decide what is most important to accomplish each day. I make sure the people, the pets, and the plants are fed, watered, and medicated appropriately. Clothes and dishes need to be cleaned. Bills must get paid. Paperwork for our tire stores needs to be input so the sales taxes can be paid timely. All of these things, plus my ministry with Faith Hope Family Home, are my priorities. You notice that vacuuming and dusting weren’t on the list. We are also in the middle of a complete kitchen remodel.

Before any of these things, I must spend time with Jesus. My mind and body are weak. He alone is giving me the strength to be able to get up, move my body, and focus my mind. I want Him to be my first priority. (Now, He understands that my mind needs my coffee first for my mind to focus. Thank you, Lord.) Just like those leads on my chest connecting to the machine for my treatment, I need to be connected to Him properly.

The passage I read this morning was about the beheading of John the Baptist. When Jesus heard about his cousin’s murder, He withdrew to a secluded place to be alone. He needed that time to mourn. Then, the crowd showed up with their many issues. Jesus felt compassion for them, and He healed those that were sick.

God’s Word shows us that taking care of ourselves is okay. But when God calls us to help those in need, we need to rise up and obey. He knows what we are dealing with here on earth. He knows how to comfort our hearts. He knows when we need His strength. But when He places other people in our lives to help, we must have that compassion to join with them on their journey. Our purpose here is to show others who Jesus is even in the midst of our grief, pain, exhaustion, and priorities.

I pray that throughout this season in my life that I will seek God’s priorities and not just my own.

“Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; for I trust in You; teach me the way in which I should walk; for to You I lift up my soul….Teach me to do Your will, for you are my God; let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.” Psalm 143:8, 10