“She’s baaacckkk!”

One of my regrets for this past year is not having or taking the time to write. Changes have been made in my life so I can focus on God’s calling for me.

So, welcome back into my life! I have missed all of you!

I’ve been looking back over this past calendar year, 2020, that has now become an adjective for unwanted circumstances or effects. Quoting Charles Dickens in his book, A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

I have had to look intently for the best of times, the wisdom, the light, and the hope throughout this year.

There were many “worst of times” during 2020 for me and for all of you.

The world’s most difficult and longest tax season occurred. I normally work for about 8 weeks at the beginning of the year for my friend who is a CPA. Most of the time, the work is pleasant. Then, in 2020, my friend and I almost destroyed our health, our sanity, and our bodies for the 9-10 months, yes, months, in which we were preparing returns. The worst of time!

Then, the virus with its severe protocols! And, that’s all I’m going to say about that. The worst of time!

In early spring during the virus protocols, I developed chest pains that I knew were not heart attacks or strokes. But they hurt. After several visits to my doctor’s office in which there were so many rules I was not used to having, and a referral to a cardiologist, my condition was finally diagnosed four months after my first visit. As far as the doctors know, the cause is unknown, and there is no cure. However, there are medications I must take daily to keep the pain at bay. So, I am thankful for a diagnosis and for the medications that have helped most of the time. The worst of time and the best of time.

While dealing with all of those things, a loved one decided my relationship with him was toxic; and he removed himself from my life. I cannot tell you how his decision broke my heart. Unfortunately, this has happened before. This time, as before, I had to choose to sit with the Lord and give Him the broken pieces. The worst of time. Praying still for the best of time.

By the end of tax season in October (!!!), I was exhausted in every way a person can be tired. The worst of time.

I am so thankful that Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

So, I sat (literally) for weeks with the Lord to recover and find rest. The best of time.

See His command above? “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me.” Jesus describes Himself as “gentle and humble in heart.”

A yoke is a device in which two draft animals are joined (like, oxen). They are coupled together.

To learn means to gain knowledge or understand of, or skill in, by study, instruction, or investigation.

That is what I have been doing during the last weeks of 2020. Taking Jesus’ yoke on me and learning from Him. His yoke is not a yoke of the world’s (or 2020’s) with all of its protocols, heartaches, and pain. His yoke is easy! He wants me to join Him. He wants me to learn about Him.

Guess what? I am finding rest for my soul, just as He promised.

I love the meanings of the word, rest. It is a place where one may abode, it’s a stopping place or a place of shelter and lodging. Rest is also freedom from activity; quiet; and tranquility, creating peace of mind or spirit.

The blessing? Not only have I found rest for my soul, but also for my mind and body.

Am I back to where I was? NO! I never will be. I don’t even want to be back to where I was. All of the things that happened to me and to you are now in the past. Those days are gone. The past has been set and cannot be changed. The worst of time and the best of time!

What can I do about 2020 and its past?

I could regret it. Dwell on it. Sorrow over it. Get stuck in it. The worst of time!

Or, I can accept it. Overcome it. Learn from it. The best of time!

“Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13

I want to press on! I want to take Jesus’ yoke and be coupled with Him. I want to learn from Him who is gentle and humble in spirit. I want rest for my soul.

I pray for each of you to take the yoke of Jesus, put it on, and learn from Him. Our world may be chaotic, but our souls will have rest.

Let’s make 2021 a year of rest. Will you join me? Drop me a comment below or send me an email. I would love to hear from you and pray for you.

Thanks again for re-joining me!