My focus these past few months has not been on faithfully sharing my story as God has called me to do. That blasted year, 2020, brought some major obstacles to my world, as I am sure it did to your world also. One of my biggest obstacles was a diagnosis of a heart condition that is unstable and rears its ugly symptoms without any reason. I never know how I will feel physically from day to day, hour to hour. So, my plans are very often thwarted by my heart.

As I sat around much of last week due to the pain and fatigue, I began to question whether I was supposed to even continue to share God’s story with you. Why have I not been writing? Is it because I am too focused on my many projects that had to be postponed even before 2020 began? Am I not sitting still enough to hear God speak to me? I’m sitting around, but I’ve not been listening. Do I just not feel well enough physically and mentally to continue with my writing? Am I EVEN supposed to continue writing?

I was ready for the answers this morning. So, I sat at my desk this morning, got out my personal journal, and wrote down all these questions; and then, I asked the Lord for His answer.

There is a wonderful Facebook group I am a member of that reads the Bible together. In fact, it is called Reading the Bible Together; and it is led by a wonderful teacher, Kathy Howard. Today’s reading was Genesis 45:1-15 where Joseph revealed himself to his brothers and gave them instructions on moving the whole family to Egypt so Joseph could be near them and provide for them. Kathy asked the group to reflect back on the past 22 years (the time Joseph had been absent from his family) and see how God has worked in our lives in the long term. We were then to praise God for having His hand on us throughout our lives. (Thank you, Kathy!!!)

I opened this website to confirm God’s leading in continuing to share what He has done. There on the home page of my blog are these words: “Several years ago, God told me to write down all the many ways He has given me strength through my trials.” I’m not done writing down all the ways He has held me, strengthened me, comforted me, and taught me. So, Cindy, “here’s your sign.”

I pray my eyes and heart will stay focused to see God each and every day, to remember all the many ways He has worked in my many years, and to share with you, sweet friends, how God has been good and continues to be good. Oh, how He loves us!!

(If you want more information on Kathy’s teaching, which I highly recommend, go to her website at or connect with her on Facebook at Kathy Howard, Unshakeable Faith for Life.)